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The Bioload Exposure Metric Index (BEMI) (“Be-my”) concept is based on reducing potential bioload-soil exposure from surfaces as determined by ATP sampling and averaging using a scientific method.

The advantage of a single BEMI number over vast and numerous ATP readings is that it provides an at-a-glance metric as a measure of average hygienic condition and cleaning levels, since ATP-related bioload levels serve as a non-specific proxy for other contaminants, such as organic soils, microbial soils, particulate soils, and or chemical soils carried by or within bioload films.

The year one BEMI concept will be assisted by and based on many thousands of ATP measurements taken in the field, translated into a 1-10 Bioload Exposure Metric Index (BEMI) scale.

BEMI monitoring will complement exposure assessment by air sampling and other surveillance.

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